Guide for Authors

Download and fill out the Commitment form here.

Download and fill out the commitment the Conflict of Interest form here.

Download and fill out the Publishing Agreement form here.

Very Important Notes:

  • It must include information about any financial sponsors, providers of research credit, or research projects that your paper is based on in a paragraph headed "Thanks and appreciation." Under the journal format, this paragraph should come before the reference list after the article's text.
  • Since the Research Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mazandaran has mandated that each author have an Orchid Code that serves as a unique identifier, please visit org to obtain your Orchid Code. Please carefully insert each author's correct Orchid Code.
  • Only five files should be submitted in total, including 1) a File with names (only in the named file's primary location), 2) a Nameless file (exclusively in the nameless file's primary location), 3) A letter to the editor (commitment letter), 4) The conflict of interest form, and 5) Publishing rights transfer form.
  • If the manuscript is initially accepted, the file of the English expanded abstract must be prepared and sent using the prescribed procedure.
  • Changes to the number or order of authors' names are impossible once the manuscript has been submitted to this publication.


1- Guiding Principles:

  • Only the journal website may be used to register a manuscript.
  • The manuscript must contain the study's outcome and findings from the author's research; translated manuscripts won't be accepted.
  • It is not acceptable to simultaneously submit the manuscript to other journals.
  • Manuscripts that have been submitted shouldn't be published in another publication.
  • When writing and submitting the manuscript, one should consider and abide by professional ethics codes and scientific norms. The journal's editorial board retains the right to edit the writing and literature and approve or reject articles. The views stated, and the policies implemented by the writers may not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board.

2- Principles of preparing a manuscript:

  • The usual criteria for writing and producing various manuscripts should be followed to prepare the main text. Furthermore, the appendix section should be stated after the manuscript's main body, which contains information on the funding source, the authors' writing contributions, conflicts of interest, and acknowledgments.
  • It is advised that the manuscript be organized as follows:
    • Title, abstract, keywords.
    • Introduction and statement of the problem (definition of the topic, description of the problem, and statement of goals)
    • Theoretical framework
    • Methodology (investigation structure, definition of concepts, data collection, and analysis methods)
    • Findings/Results (their evaluation and interpretation)
    • Discussion and conclusion
    • Funding
    • Authors' contributions
    • Conflicts of interest,
    • Thanks and acknowledgment
    • Persian and English references.
  • 2-1: First Page: English Abstract
    • The first page includes the manuscript's title, author's names and surnames, and affiliations in this order: academic position(rank), department, faculty, university, city, country, email address, abstract, and keywords, all in English.
    • The corresponding author's name should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the detailed information of the corresponding author, including fax, postal address, and email address, should be mentioned in the footnote of the first page.
    • The English title of the article should match the Persian title (with no more than 15 words if feasible and no abbreviations).
    • The Persian abstract should be incorporated into the English abstract.
    • Research articles' English abstracts ought to include the following sections: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords.
  • 2-2: Second Page: Persian Abstract
    • The second page includes the manuscript's title, author's names and surnames, and affiliations in this order: academic position (rank), department, faculty, university, city, country, email address, abstract, and keywords in Persian.
    • The corresponding author's name should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the detailed information of the corresponding author, including fax, postal address, and email address, should be mentioned in the footnote of the second page.
    • The article's title should be brief, clear, and comprehensive (with no more than 15 words if feasible and no abbreviations). A 250–300 words Persian abstract should be constructed into five paragraphs in a structured way, including: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords.
  • 2-3: Typewriting and page layout:
    • Avoid using foreign terms and stick to the Persian writing structure wherever feasible.
    • When a name or other significant term is used only for the first time, The English equivalent should be included as a footnote.
    • Every English scientific word or term used in the article but has been shortened must be used as a complete phrase the first time and have its abbreviation included between parentheses. Measurement units must follow the International Standard System of Units (SI).
    • Text headings should be numbered with a starting "1" for the main headings and composite numbers (e.g., 1-1 followed by 1-2) for the subheadings under each main heading.
    • Table titles should be written above, and figure titles should be written below them. Numbers should be used in the titles of the tables and figures without writing the word "number" (e.g., Table 2: Frequency distribution). In tables and charts, avoid using gray or colored backgrounds. Only the vertical headings should have bold text when the tables are set up.
    • The article must be in Word format, 2003 or more recent versions, A4 size, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and 1-unit line spacing, and formatted by the following table:


Bold or Regular

Font & Size

Persian Title


BNazanin 16

English title


Times New Roman 12

Persian abstract


BNazanin 11

Persian keywords


BNazanin 11

English abstract


Times New Roman 10

English keywords


Times New Roman 10

Main headers inside the manuscript’s body


BNazanin 12

Manuscript’s main body


BNazanin 12

Abbreviations or English terms used in the article's text


Times New Roman 11

Persian titles of the tables, diagrams and shapes


BNazanin 11

English titles of the tables, diagrams and shapes


Times New Roman 10

Persian text inside the graph or table


BNazanin 10

Persian header in the graph or table


BNazanin 10

English text inside the graph or table


Times New Roman 9

English header in the graph or table


Times New Roman 9

Persian subtitles of figures and tables


BNazanin 10

English subtitles of figures and tables


Times New Roman  9

Persian footer


BNazanin 10

English footer


Times New Roman 9

Persian references


BNazanin 12

English references


Times New Roman 11


3- Format of References

    • The method of referencing and citation should be based on APA Guidelines.
  • 3-1: In-text referencing:
  • Citation in parentheses following the directly or indirectly adapted material: (Surname of the author, year of publication: number, page number(s))

 For Persian translation of English references: If a work is translated into Persian, the author's name should be used, followed by the year the translation was published.

For citing English-language sources, include the author's name and the year of publication. In these cases, the equivalent of that author(s) name should only be included in the footnote for the first time.

  • Narrative citation inside the text: The author's name should be followed by the year of publication parenthesis for Persian references.

When using a Persian translation for English references, the name of the author in Persian followed by the year the translated work was published parenthesis should be included.

 For English references, write the author's name in Persian and the publication year in parentheses. In this instance, the footnote should contain the author's name(s) in English when it appears for the first time in the article.

Type of author

Citation in parentheses

One author

(Gonzalez, 2019)

Two authors

(Gonzalez & Jones, 2019)

Three authors & more

(Gonzalez et al., 2019)

First references

(American Psychological Association [APA], 2020)

Further references

(APA, 2020)

Group of authors without acronyms

(University of California, 2020)

Without any author

(New drug, 1993)



  • 3-2: Reference at the article's end:
    • Book:
  • -With one author:
  • Gillam, T. (2018). Creativity, wellbeing and mental health practice. Wiley Blackwell.
  • - With two or more authors
  • DiFonzo, N., & Bordia, P. (2007). Rumor psychology: Social and organizational approaches. American Psychological Association.
  • - Edited book:
  • Rhodewalt, F. (Ed.). (2008). Personality and social behavior. Psychology Press.
  • - Chapter of a book:
  • Levi-Strauss, C. (1971). Totem and caste. In F. E. Katz (Ed.), Contemporary sociological theory (pp. 82-89). Random House.
    • Article
  • -With one author:
  • Cao, C. (1999). Social origins of the Chinese scientific elite. The China Quarterly, 160, 992-1018.
  • - Two authors:
  • Klimonske, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. doi:10.1037/1061-4087.45.2.10.
  • - With two or more authors:
  • Keith, B., Layne, J. S., Babchuk, N., & Johnson, K. (2002). The context of scientific achievement: Sex status, organizational environments, and the timing of publication on scholarship outcomes. Social Forces80(4), 1253-1281.
    • Magazine’s article
  • -From online websites with no author:
  • It’s subpoena time. (2007, June 8). New York Times.
  • - Printed magazine:
  • Jones, S. (1997, October 19). Hit-and-run suspect commits suicide. New York Times, p. 17.


  • Websites:
  • -The name of the organization as the author:
  • National Institutes of Mental Health. (2015, May). Anxiety disorders.
  • - No author, no date:
  • What is psychology? (n.d).


  • Dissertation/Thesis taken from the web

Bruckman, A. (1997). MOOSE Crossing: Construction, community, and learning in a networked virtual world for kids (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Retrieved from

4- Extended abstract in English:

    • Once an article has been initially accepted, the corresponding author must produce an abstract of between 700 and 1000 words under the heading "Extended Abstract" and submit it to the journal as an attachment to their profile.
    • The abstract should be structured as follows. Introduction/ Methods/ Results/ Conclusion/ Funding/ Authors' contribution/ Conflict of interest/ Acknowledgments.
    • Note: The Phrase “There is no funding support” should appear before item number 5 if there are no funding resources for the article.
    • Also, If there is no conflict of interest, The Phrase “Authors declared no conflict of interest” should appear before item number 7.
    • English translations of all Persian references should be provided after the extended abstract.
    • The translation for the References should be as follows: If the reference source is a book, use the title in the book’s bibliography.

 If you cite a journal, use the English name on the journal's back cover and the article's title and authors listed in the English abstracts.

When translating Persian references into English, the letter “In Persian” needs to be written at the end of the reference.

Convert all Solar Hijri years to Gregorian.

  • After the Extended Abstract, all references must be listed.
  • Every reference must be linked to the source.
  • The article's tables, figures, and diagrams should have titles in both Farsi and English.
  • Please don't use tables and figures in the extended abstract.
  • The extended abstract's total word count shouldn't exceed 1000 words. This 1000 limit does not include keywords and references.