An Investigation of the Effect of Operations of Formal Organizations on Institutional Trust of Citizens (A Case study of Youths of Yasouj)



Social trust has an important setting in modern era. Institutional trust as  one of the most important kinds of trust, means trusting to institutions and organizations that operate as lawmakers, law administrators, supervisors of law against lawbreakers, providers of people’s essential needs in all of contemporary societies. In this essay, the effect of quality of operations of these institutions has been investigated on youths, institutional trust of Yasouj city. The quantitative research method and questionnaire instrument have been used for doing and collecting necessary data, respectively. On the basis of research results, the appropriate function of courts has had the highest amount of positive and direct correlation with trust to political and nonpolitical institutions of society. Variables such as bound to obey law, feeling of increasing social crimes, popularity of nepotism and external media have negative and significant correlation with both two kinds of institutional trust. On the base of regression test results, the above variables could explain 42 and 21 percent of variance of trust to political and nonpolitical institutions, respectively (noticing 21 percent of the later related only to two variables of appropriate functions of courts and bound to obey law). It could be said that in spite of formal dialogues for attributing weakening of institutional trust to negative propagandas of western media, the results of this research show that abide of authorities and people by inner rules and law, especially appropriate function of courts, has the most positive impact on amount of the  respondents’ institutional trust.
