Analysis and Evaluation of Family Policies: With Emphasis on ‘Shekofehaye Eshgh’ Project



The implement of many socio-economic policies and programs by governmental and non-governmental organizations are targeted to enhance social supports for family and marriage. The ‘Shekofehaye Eshgh’ (love blossoms) project is an example of such programs implemented in 1386 by non-governmental organization. The project particularly aims to enhance sustainable marriage among youth in Tehran City. The present study evaluates the effects of this project on the basis of a multi-dimension pattern of Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP). The results of this study are based on a survey conducted through phone contacts with a sample of youth who have already been included in the project. Generally speaking, the research findings illustrate that the most important issues for the sustainable marriage of youth include counselling services, holding discussion groups and national conferences on marriage, development of Yas halls, affordable dowries, and marriage loan.
