An Analysis on Disconnectedness of Local Culture and Environment in Mazandaran Province: Using Grid- Group Model



Contemporary environmental problems have penetrated all human activities. This has led to the involvement of a both national states and international agencies in order to resolve the problems. To approach this key goal, the following issues also need to be taken into account: a strong focus on locality and ecosystem, the relationship between indigenous-local communities and their environment, and the ways enabling them to perceive and to interact with their surrounding environment. There is a large body of literature in which culture has been considered both as an adaptive and interactive system with environment. Human societies hold both a cultural environment and a biological one. They, in turn, include internal components which are interlinked. This interlink is particularly observed between human beings, culture and environment. This article is based on a cultural approach in order to analyse the disconnectedness of local culture and ecosystem in Mazandaran Province. It employs the Grid- Group model based on cultural theory in order to approach the above research objectives.  
