A study about the effect of desirability of urban space indicators on the realization of the right to city (the case study: Babolsar)


University of Mazandaran,


Right to city, as a key component of human rights, means that city belongs to its citizens who commit themselves to participate in their city. Right to city is recognized as a human right and not as a civil right. This suggests that human beings can enjoy of such a right, irrespective of their gender, age, race and socio-cultural characteristics. The present study examines the effects of desirability of urban space indicators on the right to city. It employs the Lefebvre's theory and the measures of Linch's Desirability of Urban Space. The examination is based on a survey including a sample of 305 individuals. According to the multivariate results of this analysis, the most important determinants of the realization of the right to city include participation in city indicator, allocation indicator, psychological and social indicators of urban space quality desirability, with standardized coefficients (Beta) of 21 per cent, 18 per cent, 19 per cent, and 16 per cent, respectively.
