Sociological investigation on the impact of religiousness and religious affiliation on political participation in iran: A macro-level analysis



This article examines the effects of religiousness and religious affiliation on political participation in Iran. It is based on a nationally-representative survey that has been conducted during 16 years. The key idea of this research relies primarily on the fact that the political participation rate is significantly associated with the level of religiousness. However, such an association has been hypothesized differently among two major Islamic sects in this analysis: it has been considered as a positive association between religiousness and political participation in Shi'a-dominated areas, whereas the association has been considered negative in Sunni-dominated areas.
Generally speaking, the results of this analysis have indicated that Shi'a-dominated and Sunni-dominated areas hold a significantly different rate of political participation. However, this difference does not sit well with the research hypothesis outlined above. This suggests that the effects of religiousness on political participation are almost similar in Shi'a-dominated areas and in Sunni-dominated areas.
