Socio-Cultural Determinants of Citizenship Participation: The Case of Wastes Separation in Tehran City


Payam Nour Welfare University, Karaj


Wastes separation and recycling are of the most important environmental and economic characteristics of a society. The key aim of this study is to examine socio-cultural determinants of participation in wastes separation. The research findings of this paper are based on a survey including 384 people aged 15-75 years old who have been selected on the basis of random and multistage cluster sampling methods.
According to the results of this analysis, the participation in wastes separation is significantly affected by these key determinants: citizenship responsibility, false beliefs, the usefulness of wastes separation, attitudes toward municipality, and attitudes towards environment. Moreover, multivariate results of this analysis show that these factors particularly citizenship responsibility and false beliefs have significant effects on the participation in wastes separation.
