The Intergenerational Comparison on the Relationship between Individuals’ Value System and Attitude towards Family Stability


دانشگاه بوعلی سینا


The institution of family in Iran is changing substantially that can be tracked through such characteristics as an increasing trend in family instability. This can be partly associated with the changes in individuals’ value system. This study relies on a survey that includes a sample of 388 individuals in Hamadan City. They belong to varying generations born in the past decades in order to highlight the intergenerational variations associated with family instability. This study employs the theory of value system developed by Ingelhart. The results of this study indicate that there is not significant relationship between values system and attitudes towards family stability across generations. Moreover, secular-rational aspects of values system and attitudes towards family stability across generations are insignificantly correlated. However, the results of this study support the fact that there is a significant relationship between traditional aspects of values system and attitudes towards family stability across generations
