Empirical Test of Theory of Rational Action in Explaining Neighborhood Interactions (Case Study: Urban Society of Yazd)


1 univercity yazd

2 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Yazd University


neighborhood interactions are one of the most important issues that have been affected by urban sociologists today. in order to explain the neighborhood behaviors, the theory of intellectual action of ajzen and fishbein has been used. attitude variables in neighborhood interactions, mental norms, intention to conduct behavior, behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs form the main constructs of this model.the research method is survey and questionnaire was collected using the necessary information questionnaire.research sample consists of 385 persons in yazd city which are tailored to stratified random sampling and then in a simple random manner.the questionnaire was developed which was used to assess its reliability by cronbach's alpha test and the factor analysis.the results show that there is significant positive correlation between model structures with neighborhood interactions. hence, between behavioral beliefs and neighborhood interactions, between the attitude and neighborhood interactions,between the attitude and neighborhood interactions, between mental norms and neighborhood interactions,between intention to conduct neighborhood behavior and interactions was observed positive and significant.however,although model structures have significant correlation with neighborhood interactions,we need to avoid other structures that are not neglected in the same models and extensive research has been done in this field to provide more general model with more structures.
