Pattern of Relation between State and Non-Governmental Organizations in Iran's Social Policy


Kharazmi University


Indeed, the most successful social policies are those that have been developed and implemented with the "welfare mixture" and the partnership of multiple agencies, including government, the private sector, civil society, the family, and international institutions. Based on especially the presence of NGOs in social policy, the paper, based on qualitative content analysis and interview technique with sampling snowballing strategy, among 21 successful NGOs in the city of Tehran in various areas of social policy, is a narrative about the position of these organizations in social policy in Iran. The results showed that the reality of the social policy agency in Iran has a governmental nature and the position of NGOs is decorative, instrumental, dramatic, obscure and political, their role is limited to enforcers of government regulations and service agencies and lacking a clear place in social policy. Even in places where some NGOs play a role, not only their role is limited to a certain stage of the social policy cycle (mainly the implementation phase), but most of them are subject to identity transformation and government-dependent organizations (semi-NGOs/GNGOs). Results of this study suggests the refusal of the role of NGOs and community-based actions in the social policy of Iran.
