Semantic Construction of the Family and Its Composition in the Media: Socio-Cultural Analysis of Persian-Language Satellite Series


1 ferdowsi university mashhad

2 ferdowsi university of mashhad


The contemporary literature still lacks sufficient research-based evidence on satellite series, their implicit and gradual influences on the culture and social life of the audience. In order to contribute filling this research gap, a wide range of questions are required to be considered. For instance, what is the cultural strategy of these satellite series? This study primarily aims to contribute filling this research gap with specific reference to the association between the satellite series and the family. Theoretically, this study is based on the Gramscian theory of hegemony, the theory of planting and the theory of highlighting. Methodologically, the present study relies on the content analysis (the latent theme) of the Turkish popular satellite series named ‘Lilac Life’. The research results show that the series highlights elements such as romantic-sexual relations, illegitimate relationship, having an illegitimate child, betrayal of the spouse, divorce and numerous unstable marriages. The series seeks to expand and promote this through mocking the viewers’ cultural beliefs and imposing them a new synthesis. In conclusion, the cultural strategy adopted in this satellite series was the elimination of family authenticity.
