The Relationship between Family Solidarity and Family Power Distribution Structure: Case Study of Married Women in Shiraz


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Kashan University

2 phd student in Kashan university

3 Professor of Sociology,Shiraz University

4 Professor of Sociology, Kashan University


Family solidarity plays an important role in the social development. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of power distribution structure on family solidarity. This study has measured the concept of power distribution structure in three major domains: symmetric relation, area of power, and the way of exercising power. In addition the family solidarity was measured in six aspects: associational, emotional, consensual, functional, achieving the goals and normative aspects. The research findings presented and discussed in this paper are based on a survey which includes 600 married women in Shiraz City. The results of this study have indicated that there is a significantly positive relationship between democratic structure and family solidarity and its subscales. Furthermore, the results emphasize the fact that decision-making and power process pattern in a family have a significant effect on family stability. Therefore, it is suggested that family conform to social changes, adopt the new order and institutionalize the structure of democratic and participatory power in the family. In order to leading to this end, it is vitally important to maintain the culture and identity of the Iranian community.
