Hidden curriculum of school and lived experience of students (a case study of a SAMPAD high school in Tehran)


1 University of Mazandaran

2 Associate professor in University of Mazandaran

3 Professor


The purpose of this study is to describe the students' lived experience of the hidden curriculum in school. The main question is: what is the meaning of hidden curriculum for students, how they experience it and how they evaluate its impacts on themselves. To answer these questions, we used qualitative research methods and interviews with students.
Student’s responses to these questions have been analyzed using the method of thematic analysis, which resulted in the extraction of these themes; teaching social skills, individual skills, knowing and understanding others, recognizing and fulfilling oneself, competing with others, obeying and sense of being powerless. With the help of these categories, it seems to be possible to gain a better understanding of the experiences of high school students with hidden curriculum of schools.
Finally, using the dichotomies that were created in the minds of students through these hidden instructions, we conclude that these teachings have negative effects, such as continuous anxiety and the emergence of dual identities.
