Investigating the Role of Individualism in Secularizing the Structure and Subjectivity of Postgraduate Students of Yazd University


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Yazd University

2 PhD student of Sociology Social Issues Research, Yazd University

3 PhD student in Sociology of Economic Development, Yazd University


The secularization process has transcended across the societies in the contemporary world, which means a declining effect of religion on societal changes. This process is affected by a wide range of determinants including the individualism of modern era. This paper focuses on this critical issue. The results presented and discussed in this paper are based on a survey. It includes 380 MA and PhD students of Yazd University. According to the results of this analysis, while secularization is not affected by male and female genders, marital status plays a significant role in the secularization process. In addition, the secularization process is significantly and positively associated with the use of mass media. Finally, the multivariate results of this analysis confirm that 16 per cent of the variance in secularization can be explained by mass media usage and individualism.
