Married Women's Perceptions of Social Meanings of Being Employed: The Functions and Consequences


1 Assistant professor of sociology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 MA in sociology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


 The increasing changes in socio-cultural standards have resulted in substantial changes in gender roles and have significantly increased women’s aspiration towards autonomy in varying aspect of their life.  In terms of research data and method, the results presented and discussed in this paper are based on a qualitative study that employs the semi-structured interview method. The sample includes 25 young and married women in Mashhad City. The results of this study support the main that the issue of women’s employment outside the home is positively perceived by most women included in the present study. However, they believe that the employment outside the home also encounters women with some challenges and limits their opportunities. Despite such challenges and limitations, women’s employment outside the home has been overwhelmingly perceived more positive by these young and married women interviewed in the present study.
