The Study of Citizenship Education in Social Civics Textbooks of New Educational Structure (6-3-3)


1 PHD Student of Sociology at Alzahra University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Social Siences at Alzahra University


Due to the importance of“the role of formal education institution in the socialization process” and “balanced attention between both rights and responsibilities in citizenship education”, the question is, how much the Social Civics textbooks, which define their main aim as nurture of the citizens, are successful in supporting the noted balance. Moreover, which items of citizenship are emphasized? And if there is a specific trend for citizenship education while student’s age, cognitive development and pages of the books are ascending? The following research will try to answer this question, by utilizing the deductive content analysis method. Social Civics textbooks of primary school, third to sixth grade, and the first period of Secondary school, seventh to ninth grade, in the year 2017-2018, form the Statistic society of the research  which all of them were considered as sample. Findings of this research show that the citizenship teachings are responsibility-oriented. Moreover, between the multiple types of national citizenships, social citizenship is dominant player (42/4%) and gender citizenship is the lowest share (3/8%). Moreover, civil (15%), environmental (13/8%), cultural (9/6%) and political (8%) citizenship lie between these two types respectively. At the same time, there is no specefic assending trend for citizenship education while pages of the books and age are assending.
