A Study of Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Quality of Women’s Life in Infertile Families in Shiraz


1 Professor of Sociology and Social Planning, Shiraz University

2 M.A. in Sociology, Shiraz University

3 PhD. Student of Sociology, Shiraz University


Infertility is one of the factors affecting the quality of women’s life. Infertility, as a kind of social mark, is more than just a medical diagnosis. The present study focuses on the quality of women’s life in infertile families and examines socio-cultural factors affecting the women’s life quality. In this study, using a survey method and a WHO life quality standard questionnaire, 400 women have been selected from infertile families referring to infertility centers on various reasons (female, male, both unknown and unknown) through simple random sampling method. The results showed that the factors of responsive age, household income, religiosity, general health and expectation were related to women’s life quality in infertile families. An explanation of the dependent variable in terms of the sum of the independent variables indicated that general health, religiosity and expectation were the strongest predictors of infertile women's life quality and accounted for 0.48% of the changes in the variance of the dependent variable.
