An Investigation of the Relationship between Various Value Orientations and Attitudes towards the Power Distribution Structure in the Family (Case Study: Couples from Dogonbadan City


Assistant Prof. of Sociology, University of Yasouj


Considering the importance of interactions in families, as well as cultural factors related to them, the present research investigates the relationship between attitude towards power distribution and value orientations among 380 couples from Dougonbadan City. The sample was selected through cluster sampling method proportional to the sample size, which was determined using Lin’s sample size determination Table. Based on the research literature, attitudes toward the power distribution structure in the family were examined in two dimensions: authoritarian and consultative. According to the research results, the relationship between religious, fatalistic and traditional value orientations and authoritarian decision-making was directly significant. However, the relationship between modern value orientations and authoritarian decision-making was inversely significant. The relationships between fatalistc and modern value orientations and consultative power distribution were negative and positive, respectively. The most influential variables in reducing authoritarian decision-making and increasing tendency to the consultative one were found to be the modern value orientation and the level of eduction, respectively. Finally, it can be said that the dominant culture and "hegemony" of masculine vertical decision-making, at least expectionally, is changing to a kind of "transitional" situation that lead to a competitive and hostile relationship between traditional and modern value orientations and authoritarian and consultitative decision making
