A Sociological Analysis of the Acceptance of Modern Spirituality: A Case Study on Gorgan City in 2020


1 Ph.D. Student of Sociology at University of Mazandaran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology University of Mazandaran


This research has been prepared to measure the tendency towards modern spirituality in people over eighteen years old in Gorgan (city in the north of Iran) and to identify social factors and determine their impacts. In this survey, stratified random sampling (appropriate to the population living in different parts of the city) and a researcher-made questionnaire (with Cronbach's alpha of 0.75) were used. By using appropriate statistical techniques, the findings showed that 55.5% of the population with a score above average (3.12 out of 5) had a tendency to modern spirituality. The two variables "age" (with a Standardized partial correlation coefficient -0.28) and "the importance of religiosity in everyday life" (with a Standardized partial coefficient -0.24) directly and significantly have affected on the modern spirituality. And explain 16% of its variance. Also, the two variables " The importance of religiosity for parents" and "social class" indirectly (with Standardized partial coefficient -0.11 and 0.031) have affected on this trend. It can also be inferred from all the findings that the hypothesis "Modern spirituality as destroyer of the religiosity" is probably more correct than the hypothesis of the transformation and compatibility of religiosity.


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