A study of the political and cultural identity of the youth of the first and fourth decades of the Islamic Revolution of Iran


1 Assistant professor in Political Sciences, University of Mazandaran

2 M.A. in political thought in Islam, University of Mazandaran


The main purpose of writing this research is to examine the characteristics of cultural and political identity of young people in the first and fourth decades of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, she was in the city of Babolsar and the similarities and identity differences of the youth of these two decades are expressed. This study examines the identity characteristics of young people in the first and fourth decades of the revolution using the theoretical framework of Emmanuel Castells Regarding identities, in the city of Babolsar, the answer to the question is what was the difference and similarity of the cultural and political identity of the youth in the first two and fourth decades of the revolution? The present research is descriptive in terms of method and its collection tool is through the use of library resources including books, Articles as well as a survey include the distribution of a number of questionnaires in the form of survey sheets and the refinement and monitoring of these questionnaires. SPSS software was used in the statistical analysis of the surveys. The findings of the study indicate that although the revolutionary Islamic identity of the youth of the fourth decade has become much less colorful than that of the youth of the first decade, But the youth in this period still have similarities with the youth of the first decade of the Islamic Revolution.


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