The Impact of Prisoners’ Support Association Services on the Performance of Covered Families in Tehran Province


1 Ph.D. student in sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic azad university, babol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in the sociology department, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

3 Associate Professor in social sociology, Babol branch, Islamic azad university, Babol, Iran


This article examines the impact of "Prisoners Support Association" service" on the performance of prisoners' families in Tehran province and its objectives are to assess the impact of services "welfare and livelihood", "cultural and educational", "employment and vocational training", "health and medical", "Education and counseling" on the performance of prisoners' families. In the theoretical framework, Hill Prisoner Family Crisis Theory, The McMaster Family Theoretical Model of Family Performance, Social Support Models Including Direct Impact, Indirect or Impact, Weiss Model, Duty Assignment, Compensatory Hierarchy, Loss, Identity Accumulation and Model "Optimal matching Model of stress and social support" was examined. This research is of "quantitative research" based on "survey method" and "questionnaire tool". The instruments include the researcher-made questionnaire "Prisoner Support Association Services" and the standard Epstein Family Performance Assessment Questionnaire (FAD). The statistical population includes all families covered by the services of the Prisoners Support Association in Tehran province (3400 families), of which 384 people were selected as a statistical sample based on stratified random sampling and research questionnaires were completed in the winter of 2021.The Findings showed that "material and livelihood", "cultural and educational", "employment and vocational training", "health and medical" and "educational and counseling" services have positive effects on the performance of families of prisoners in Tehran province. The structural equation model also showed the variables "Support Association Services", "Economic and Social Status" and "Family Profile" on the subscales of "Problem Solving", "Roles", "Affective Responsiveness", "Communication", "Affective Involvement", "Behavioral control" and "General Functioning" have positive effects. Therefore, the families of prisoners in the components of "welfare and livelihood", "cultural and educational", "employment and vocational training", "health and medical" and "education and counseling" need the support and assistance of support institutions such as the "Prisoners Support Association" to part Recover from the challenges and threats posed by the lack of a head of household.


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