Men Interpretation of Role Change in Family: A Grounded Theory Study


1 Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 MA. in Sociology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The aim of this study was to study the changing role of men in families in Yazd according to the interpretation and experience of men themselves. To conduct the research, we used the research method of grounded theory. The research feild was the city of Yazd and in order to obtain the data, 30 men living in Yazd participated in the research using purposive sampling method. We used semi-structured interviews to collect data and theoretical coding to analyze the data. In the initial coding stage, we extracted 34 concepts from the interviews and finally organized in 5 main categories. According to the findings, the role of men in the family includes the democratization process and other family members have found a more prominent role in the power structure. Men have moved away from the definition of their traditional role, transforming masculine tastes and limiting themselves. The media, education, urbanization and women's employment are the causal conditions that have led to this change. The consequences of these changes have been the domination of the materialist domination of the role partners and the new meaning-making of masculinity. 


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