Conflicting Discourses in the Formation and Perpetuation of Corruption in the Media: An Analysis of the Iranian Press in the 1990s


1 Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University

2 Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz

3 M. A in Sociology. Shiraz University


Any kind of administrative and government corruption can be a brake and a lever to disrupt all countries' important trade and economic areas. In this study, we have examined the situation of corruption in the Iranian press. In this study, we seek to answer these questions: What are the conflicting discourses in the formation and perpetuation of corruption? What groups and institutions is corruption related to? From what position or position does corruption arise? The four newspapers Vatan-e-Amrooz, Shargh, Etemad, and Kayhan have been used for reading, and from each of these newspapers, based on a theoretical sample, several texts have been selected as samples to analyze and interpret the issue of corruption. The Laclau and Mouffe frameworks have been used to answer the research questions. Based on Mufeh's framework, a model on the issue of corruption was presented to each newspaper. The top signs formed on the issue of corruption in each of the newspapers are: justice-oriented management, transparent management, diverse meritocracy management, and Islamic management, respectively. In general, newspapers, instead of structurally examining the issue of corruption and providing solutions to the problem, are more involved in exposing corruption and attributing it to the era of opposing discourse management, and there is a kind of rhetorical discourse in the press.


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