A Phenomenological Studies to the Experience of Gambling Websites Users: A Case Study of 1Xbet Users


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 .A Student of MBA, Faculty of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Objectives: Throughout the history, people have used different ways of earning income through entertainment activities. With a growing number of users, online gambling and prediction sites are among the most prevalent modes of such activities in the twenty-first century. In Iran, a lot of young people (aged 15-30) spend a considerable amount of time and energy on such sites. This phenomenological study investigates the experience of gambling sites users, seeking to provide a clear understanding of why and how Iranian users engage in such activities and justify earning income through these sites. Methods: This qualitative study employs a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 20 users of gambling and prediction sites.Results: Several themes were extracted from the interviews, including changing Halal income, escaping from daily routine, having an intense sense of dependence, financial independence and choosing effective techniques. These themes explain how gambling websites users experience gambling and show their conceptual standpoint towards these websites.Conclusion: What was remarkable in the participants’ statements was their understanding of Halal income, i.e., although like other members of the society they tried to find sources of income, they were not much faithful to conventional definitions of legitimate income. As such, they contended that in today’s world, methods of monetization had changed and any job that would require effort and concentration could qualify as a legitimate one. In fact, users of gambling sites had changed their perceptions of Halal income


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