Sociological Analysis of Tehran Citizens' Exposure to the Lack of Parking Space and Related Ethics


1 Ph.D. Student of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Objectives: According to Jacobs, space and society have a clear and close relationship, i.e., it is difficult to understand space without its social content. This research tries to address the phenomenon and problem of car parking space as a spatial-social issue from Jacob's point of view and extend this approach and attention to the field of urban studies. Methods : By utilizing an exploratory sequential mixed methods, in the first stage (qualitative part), content analysis, and in the second stage (quantitative part), survey method were performed. In the qualitative section, the researcher focused on reputable news sites where the event was described by the public or reporters. In the quantitative part, using sampling proportional to volume and simple random, 302 people were selected as the study sample. The research population included all citizens of Tehran with is the age of 15 years and higher. To analyze the data, TOPSIS and SPSS23 software were used. Results:The findings showed that most citizens of Tehran have a lack of parking space during the week resulting in arguments and verbal conflict with pedestrians, incessant and continuous horns, arguing and shouting, beatings, obscenities and insults, getting out of cars and gossiping, and not respecting the others’ rights and the peaceful resolution of disputes. Evaluations indicate that the lack of parking space in the metropolis of Tehran causes low ethics. Hence, the eastern and northern regions of Tehran are in the first and second ranks in terms of the distribution of the studied indicators (observance of ethics), respectively, and the southern regions of Tehran are in the last place. Conclusion :The metropolis of Tehran is facing many problems in this area, which if not properly solved, will impose a lot of social costs on both system operators (officials) and system users (citizens).


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