A Paradigmatic Model of Self-Censorship in Iranian Government Institutions


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Objectives: The present study seeks to achieve a realistic view of the phenomenon of self-censorship in government institutions in Iran and identify the factors affecting it. Methods: In the framework of an interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach, based on the objective method of grounded theory and using a semi-structured interview tool, this study examines the relationships and generalities of government institutions in Yazd. Accordingly, 23 individuals with 5 years of experience in information dissemination in government institutions were selected gradually and homogeneously using a purposeful sampling method with maximum diversity as well as snowball and theoretical sampling. Results: The findings of this study indicate that out of a total of 208 concepts constructed from statements derived from interview texts, 24 sub-categories and 8 main categories were obtained. The core phenomenon obtained from the categories of this research indicated a "legitimizing exchange" in the process of self-censorship in government institutions of Yazd. Conclusion: The final results of this study indicate a combination of individual and structural dimensions in the phenomenon of self-censorship in government institutions. Individuals seem to think in terms of individual and group interests and under the pressure of structural requirements, and by moving in the direction of obedience and approval at the individual, organizational or extra-organizational levels, they finally agree to a legitimizing exchange.


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