A Study of the Constructions of Remarriage by Divorced Woman Taking a Grounded Theory Approach


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 M.A. in Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Objectives: By increased divorce rates, remarriage has become a more common phenomenon for individuals and families in recent decades. This type of marriage have many challenges for couples, especially for women. Our purpose was to understand the context and experiences of remmariage by remarried divorced women, how and why they decided to remmary and what meaning it had for them.Methods: The participants included 26 women who experienced divorce and then remarried in different ages and with different education levels and occupation types. The participants were selected by purposive and snowball sampling method. The research data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and analysed through grounded theory coding.Results: Women participating in the study had a realistic adjustment to remarriage. The intrviews were clusterd under 6 main categories, including the important role of children, the improvement of life quality, retrivenent life, social-normal strains, needs and weekness, and runaway. Trying for life construction emerged as the core category.Conclusions: Remarriage was a crucial decision for the participant women. They experienced many paradoxes in making decion for remarriage. Trying for making a new life was the centeral category for all participants. They strongly hoped to make a better life. Remarriage was a retrieve of life for themselves and their children.


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