Investigating the Relationship between Family Factors and Attitudes towards the Type of Social Transitions: A Case Study of Secondary School Students in Yasouj City


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Yasouj University, Iran

2 M.A. in Sociology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Yasouj University, Iran


The present study aimed to investigate the impact of factors related to the institution of the family on students’ attitudes toward the important social transitions of marriage, continuing education, and entering the labor market. Methods: This study uses a quantitative methodology . The statistical population includes secondary school students of Yasouj City in the academic year of 2014-2016 (8529 individuals). 374 students were selected as a sample based on Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Findings: The fndings showed that girls and boys did not have a significant preference difference in choosing the three transitions of education, career, and marriage, and the first preferred transition of both sexes was continuing education. The influence of variables of independence in individual decision-making and the type of socialization in the family on the social transitions of employment, marriage, and continuing education were significant. Also, the explanatory coefficient of transitions of marriage, education, and entering the labor market has been 0.55, 0.10, and 0.13 respectively. Conclusion: The priority of the preferred transition of teenagers is to continue their education and there is a kind of gender identity of the preferred transition among the teenagers of the studied society.


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