Revolutionary Rite of Passage Textual Subversion: From Narratives of Symbolic Rebellion to Revolution


Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Anthropological Research Center (ARC), Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT), Tehran, Iran


Objectives: A review of the revolutionary discourses critical of the Pahlavi dynasty's systems and institutions reveals two types of ideological interpretations and recreation of rites and literature (mainly children's stories). These works interpreted rites, fairy and folktales and literature with a focus on the importance of a revolutionary rebirth of self of hero-child and its political renewal. Methods: This paper uses qualitative approaches and a discourse analysis model to understand and analyze the subject. Results: Discursive structures include redefining and recreating essential literary and ritual elements. These elements are formed through the reinterpretation of ideas and beliefs that significantly impact people's lives and define their worldview in relation to the social environment around them. Conclusion: Revolutions are always accompanied by anti-structural elements, and as a result, they challenge and criticize the established institutions and authority. In this regard, the revolutionary rite of passage is compatible with Victor Turner's normative-existential communitas and ultra-structural community concepts. In this perspective, revolutionary protest and revolutionary speech confront the political institutions that generate inequalities, injustice, and disparities. Behrangi's revolutionary fairy tales and Ali Shariati's revolutionary rite of transition provide an anti-structure and utopian world, a world whose authenticity is in denying the established order, revolutionizing the individual's life, and avoiding systems of discrimination and inequality.


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