The experience of social exclusion of rural residents (case study: Shaft city)


1 Master of Sociology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan

2 Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan

3 Assistant Professor at the Research Institute of Guilan Studies, University of Guilan

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan


Social exclusion as a modern phenomenon can deprive a part of society from rights and opportunities. Policymakers have paid more attention to this issue in the last two decades in order to prevent dissatisfaction. In the modern world, due to the attention to urbanization, villagers are exposed to social exclusion. According to the theoretical sensitivity of this concept, the present study deals with the experience of social exclusion of the villagers of Shaft city, Gilan province. This research with the qualitative method and data theory strategy of the foundation seeks to understand the experience of social exclusion of the villagers and the field of study is Rastekanar and Chamacha villages of Shaft city. The participants included 22 villagers who were selected purposefully and with theoretical saturation criteria. After analysis, the validity of the data obtained from the interviews was determined by the review method by researchers in the field of social sciences. The core category of the research is "experiences of rejection from resistance to migration"; According to the findings, there are two types of rejection experiences, some people leave the villages and do not have the patience to bear the problems of the village, and instead regret and urban problems await them, and others are not satisfied with leaving the village and resist the hardships. The result is that the social exclusion of the villagers as an example of the discriminatory behavior and inefficiency of the government and local officials, in addition to the negative consequences for the people, causes the marginalization of the natives and the excessive presence of non-natives in the villages.


Main Subjects

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