The Effect of Macroeconomic Indicators on the Crude Marriage Rate of the Country's Provinces in the Period of 2011-2021


1 Associate Professor, Department of History and Sociology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Iran Statistics Research Institute, Tehran, Iran,

3 Assistant Professor, Department of History and Sociology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


Objectives: Marriage is a social contract and is determined based on the custom, law, and religion of each society. There has been a declining trend in the desire to get married in Iranian society with the transition from the traditional world to modernity, value-normative changes, transformation from the extended family system to the nuclear one, as well as the new lifestyle. The main goal of this research is to examine the effect of macroeconomic indicators on the marriage rate in the provinces of the country during the period of 2014-2015. Study method: The research method of this research is a documentary that is based on secondary analysis of data related to the marriage variable was taken from the statistics of the country's state registration organization. Findings: The results show that today marriage is a rational-emotional action and due to economic pressures its rational dimension plays a decisive role in the rate and amount of marriage. Increasing divorce statistics, financial pressures on the lives of couples, economic instability, and unfavorable and unstable business environment have led to prudent actions (profit-loss, exchange action, avoidance of economic-social loss) in the problem. As a result, in the 90s (1390-1400) at the same time as the Gini coefficient increased, the inflation rate and unemployment as well as the decrease in the rate of economic participation) along with society's awareness of the existing conditions (increasing divorce and heavy dowry), the desire to marry has decreased. Conclusion: Based on these findings, it is expected that in order to maintain the demographic window of the society and the stability of the institution and culture of the Iranian family system, long-term scientific planning and policymaking should be done seriously in macroeconomic indicators.


Main Subjects

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