Narrative Approaches for Systematic Investigation and Evidence Combination Following the Social Identification Related to Contextualist Architecture (Case Study: Kalaleh City)


1 Assistant professor, Department of Architecture, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran

2 M.A. student of Architecture, Gonbad Qaboos Shams Higher Education Institute, Golestan,


Objectives: Paying attention to the future of urban society and its changes is considered a basic necessity in the management system, and a proper understanding of the future will improve managers’ capabilities in maintaining social identity. The efficiency of art organizations at the level of urban society is ambiguous due to the lack of clarity of the policies of managers and their neglect of the role of social capital. Due to the orientation of the recent views of contextualism towards cultural-social discourses, this research seeks to better understand the potentials and limitations of the artistic community by focusing on the architectural planning for the urban society of Kalaleh. Methods: The present study focuses on the necessity of professional interaction of art managers with native artists to achieve social sustainability. This qualitative research used discourse-style interviews with art managers and an empathy-based questionnaire written by Kalaleh artists, as well as the critical discourse analysis method, to answer two questions: what are the characteristics of a successful art complex, and what can hinder its dynamics? The method of critical discourse analysis was considered a desirable approach for drawing the landscape of native art and redefining the perceptions and expectations of two groups of artists and managers in art organizations. Results: Issues such as prioritizing the most vulnerable artists, ensuring the equal representation of all cultural groups in the programming process, and recognizing the significant and unwanted effects of the context, including exclusive political-economic activities, are raised in the conclusion of this study. Conclusion: By highlighting the distinctive effects of socio-local institutions, i.e., the community's social capital, the professional interaction between managers and native artists creates a more comprehensive artistic experience for both sides, which supports sustainability and future success.


Main Subjects

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