Construction and Validation of Measuring Social Responsibility: A Proposed Model


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Social Sciences Department, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Social Sciences Department, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

3 Professor, Social Sciences Department, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Objectives: While the concept of social responsibility appeared in human sciences in the 1950s, the literature review indicates a significant gap in developing a measurement tool for this concept in social research. Accordingly, further scientific efforts are required to develop a more appropriate and comprehensive tool for measuring social responsibility, which is also the aim of this research. Methods:  The present research is based on exploratory factor analysis in SPSS-24 and confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS-25. The research data were obtained using the researcher-made questionnaire on the basis of a review of theoretical and empirical literature. The statistical pool included 2250 residents in Gorgan, from which a sample of 400 males and females were selected on the basis of the Cochran formula and the stratified sampling method who belong to 1340s, 1360s, and 1380s birth cohorts. Results: According to the results of exploratory factor analysis, all measuring components of this research for social responsibility hold a significantly appropriate regression weight. Moreover, the results of this analysis for the regression weights are more than 0.3, which confirms a statistically meaningful and acceptable outcome. Furthermore, the results of this analysis, by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, show values ranging from 0.935 to 0.955 that support the validity of each component employed in this analysis to measure social responsibility. Conclusion: Finally, it is concluded that the model proposed here can serve as an appropriate tool to measure the concept of social responsibility and provide a basis for further development by future studies in the field of social responsibility.


Main Subjects

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