Cultural Difference (CD) and the Discourse Clash of Travel Case Studies: Gilan and Western Azerbaijan


1 Assistant Professor at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor at Anthropological Research Center, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Research Institute, Tehran, Iran,


Objectives: Today, the tourism industry plays a crucial role in the development of various countries, whether developed or developing. This industry is significantly influenced by the tourism culture, with one essential component being "cultural distance." This article, based on field studies conducted in the two provinces of West Azerbaijan and Gilan, emphasizes the value system in the tourism culture of these regions. It explores the cultural distance between the host and the guest society (domestic/foreign tourists) and, in this regard, introduces the concept of environmental distance as an alternative to cultural distance based on the sense of belonging or non-belonging to the environment. Methods: This study, in the cultural and field domains of West Azerbaijan and Gilan, is based on a qualitative anthropological method, using field studies, participatory observation, and interviews with key informants conducted from 2019 to 2021. The study's cognitive approach relies on multiple stakeholders in cultural areas. Results: In the field and the first case, contrary to what Razinger suggests in his findings, a different phenomenon is encountered where some elements in the value system and norms of the host society and guests are closer to each other. In the field and the second case, the theories of Anthony Oliver-Smith, Birgit Mosgöller and colleagues, Jeremy Boissevain and colleagues, Qingqin Wang and Carl Cater, Brent Ritchie, and Alfonso Vargas Sanchez are exemplified to understand and comprehend the conditions of tourism in crises. Conclusion: One interesting result of this research is that there is less cultural and environmental distance between the host society and foreign tourists, especially in the face of vandalism in the first field (West Azerbaijan). In the second field (Gilan), the pattern of brotherhood based on pain in the tourism crisis (pandemic) situation expands, and the host-guest relationship seems more influential.


Main Subjects

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