Typology of Various Comparative Methods in Social Researches with Emphasis on Aggregative Analysis in IntraـCountry Comparisons


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanity & Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Objectives: The present study states what comparative methods are, introduces a criterion for applying the adjective "comparative" to these methods, and explains their advantages over survey research. It also deals with the typology of different types of comparative methods in social research with five distinctive comparison criteria, including comparison framework, comparison cases, subject of comparison, time of comparison, and observation unit. Method: The present study introduces one of the research methods in social sciences and follows a methodological work. Results: The results of this research introduce one of the very practical and useful comparative methods in macro-level social research, which is aimed at comparing many cases and is variable-oriented rather than case-oriented. Secondly, its unit of analysis is geographical-political units within a national unit. Thirdly, it has an individual viewing unit, and fourthly, it is not conditioned in terms of time as it can be used both for cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons. This method, which is called intra-country comparison, uses aggregate analysis. In terms of observing and collecting data, it can be focused on individual attributes (mental adjectives) and characteristics (objective properties) of social actors. Therefore, it can be divided into two types of survey and non-survey comparisons. The common feature of both types of this comparative method is their use of "aggregate analysis". In order to introduce this method further, the advantages of intra-country comparisons to inter-country comparisons and aggregate analysis compared to survey research are explained. Conclusion: At the end and in conclusion, turning to the real and existing conditions facing social researchers in Iran, the merits and advantages of using the comparative method within the country using aggregate analysis have been pointed out and emphasized.


Main Subjects

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