Explanation of Female Abuse with Emphasis on the Mediating Role of the Attitude towards the Rights and Duties of Spouses by Partial Least Square Model


Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Arman Razavi Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Higher Education Institute, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran


Objective: This research aimed to investigate the factors affecting wife abuse, emphasizing the mediating role of spouses' attitudes towards the rights and duties of spouses among husbands and wives in Azarshahr, Tabriz. Methods: The research method was a survey, and the statistical population included all husbands and wives in the households and the social emergency center of Azarshahr. The sample size consisted of 50 husbands and wives selected from among the members of the statistical population using stratified, multi-stage, cluster, and systematic random sampling. The data was collected by a researcher-made questionnaire and a standard wife abuse questionnaire. Due to the small sample size limitation, the Partial Least Square structural equation model was used for data analysis. Results: The findings showed that the differences in gender, level of education, income, level of wife abuse, attitudes, childhood experience of wife abuse, reasons for wife abuse between the respondents of households, and social emergency were not significant, but the age and number of children were significantly higher in the respondents of social emergency center. The results of the Partial Least Square structural equation showed that wrong attitudes had a direct effect on wife abuse of 29% and childhood experience of wife abuse had a direct effect of 23%. The childhood experience of wife abuse had a direct effect on wife abuse of 22% through the mediation of increasing wrong attitudes. The spouse's education and the couple's income had a 29% and 23% negative effect on wife abuse, respectively. Moreover, spousal income reduced 31% of the direct impact of wrong attitudes on wife abuse. Conclusion: Increasing the awareness of couples about their rights and duties will reduce wife abuse, and the socio-economic development of the family can have a deterrent effect on the reduction of this issue.


Main Subjects

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