Designing a Measurement Model to Measure Social Capital


1 Ph.D. student in Sociology of Economy and Development, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran


Objectives: Social capital is a collection of norms and networks that facilitate people's participation in collective actions to achieve mutual benefits and shape the social relationships within a community. Previous research has indicated that social capital, with dimensions such as trust, cohesion, and social relationships, was evaluated regarding other variables, and the precise evaluation method of these variables has not been clearly elucidated. The main objective of the current study is to design a measurement model for the social capital variable. To achieve this, and for the sake of comprehensiveness and conceptual inclusiveness, four aspects, including materiality, mentality, agency, and structure, were considered for this concept along the two axes of material-mental and structural-agential. Finally, based on the Nahapiet and Ghoshal theory, social capital was operationalized according to the aforementioned four aspects in three structural, normative, and cognitive dimensions. Methods: A questionnaire was designed using three structural, cognitive, and normative dimensions. Considering that in the city of Kermanshah, the presence of transit axes in some parts of the city has led to social ruptures in addition to physical changes, after determining the validity and reliability of social capital, a sample of 384 citizens of Kermanshah was selected using cluster multistage sampling method, and the questionnaire was completed. The collected data were then analyzed and subjected to confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS software to draw a measurement model. Results: Finally, a model consisting of three dimensions and 63 items was designed, and its final validity and reliability were examined and confirmed based on relevant indices. Conclusion: This research provides a validated model for measuring and evaluating a construct of social capital, which can be employed in future sociological studies.


Main Subjects

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