The Representation of Citizenship in the School-textbooks of Education Institution of Iran



This paper focuses on the representation of citizenship through the educational system of Iran. It is critically important to emphasize the fact that the educational system has been recognized as one of the most important agents of the socialization strategy in the existing literature. This particularly applies to the school-textbooks. Accordingly, the present study has employed the method of content analysis in order to investigate how the issues related to citizenship have been represented in the school-textbooks. This study is based on 13 school-textbooks used in the levels of intermediate and high schools in the educational year 2011-2012. In this study, the issues related to citizenship have been classified into two major categories: citizenship rights and citizenship obligations. The underlying conclusion of this study is that the former has been less represented than the latter. This means that the representation of citizenship obligations is twice greater than the representation of citizenship rights in the school-textbooks of this analysis.
