Identifying and Prioritizing the Barriers and Challenges of Implementing Higher Education Policies in Iran



Identifying and Prioritizing the Barriers and Challenges of Implementing Higher Education Policies in Iran
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify and prioritize obstacles to implementation of Iran's higher education policies. The research was a mixed type that was collected in the qualitative section of the data using a semi-structured interview and was identified by open coding, axial and selective barriers to implementation of higher education policies. In the quantitative section, by using a qualitative work questionnaire and using a hierarchical analysis, from 50 faculty members and higher education professionals, priority is given to barriers. Findings of the research show that the barriers to implementing higher education policies include 10 main concepts in the form of 53 categories, the main concepts of which are based on hierarchical analysis, respectively: administrative-organizational barriers, internal barriers, individual barriers, major obstacles, barriers Policy development issues, educational system barriers, barriers to high-level documents, environmental barriers and tools, and community and culture barriers.
