Society, Space, and Violent Behaviors: The Relationship Between Socio-Spatial Indicators and Incidence of Quarrel and Conflict (Case Study: Rasht City)


1 Associate Professor of Medical Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 M.A. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


Objectives: Conflict is one of the main sources of stress in interpersonal and social relationships, which negatively affects individual and social health and well-being and may cause social, security, and political damage in society. Statistics show that the rate of conflicts in Iran and Gilan province has increased in recent years. This study aimed to determine the difference between high- and low-conflict neighborhoods in Rasht City in terms of socio-spatial indicators. Methods: The present research was conducted using a descriptive-analytical method, a case-control design, and a cross-sectional approach. The statistical population of this research included all young people aged 16 to 35 years living in crime-prone neighborhoods (hotspots) and neighborhoods with a lower crime rate in Rasht city based on the data and criteria of the police commandery of Guilan province. Using the cluster sampling method and Cochran's formula, the number of 380 people was obtained, but for more accuracy, 400 people were selected (200 people from the neighborhoods with a high level of quarrel and 200 people from the quarters with a low level of quarrel and contention). The data collection tools were stigmatization of neighborhood scale, local institutional resources, neighborhood spatial mismatch, neighborhood physical surrounding, neighborhood relative deprivation, social cohesion, social control, neighborhood social networks, neighborhood social contagion, and neighborhood aesthetic quality. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software version 26, principal component analysis, t-test, and chi-square test. Results: Results revealed that there is a significant difference between neighborhoods with high and low quarrel and contention in terms of the variables of stigmatization of neighborhoods (P < 0.01), institutional resources of neighborhoods (P < 0.01), social control (P < 0.01), social networks of neighborhoods (P < 0.01), and neighborhood spatial mismatch (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Inadequacy in social-spatial indicators of neighborhoods, such as defamation, weakness of institutional resources, reduction of social control, inadequacy in real social networks, and spatial inconsistency, are among the risk factors of violent behavior and conflict. Therefore, reducing the rate of conflict and quarrel requires strengthening socio-spatial indicators.


Main Subjects

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